Platinum Group Metals
The Bushveld Complex, formed some two billion years ago, is found in the northern part of South Africa and is the world’s largest layered igneous intrusion. In South Africa, the discovery of the first platinum nuggets occurred in 1924; following its initial discovery, two further large platinum deposits - each around 100km in length - were discovered by geologist Hans Merensky which named the Bushveld Igneous Complex. The platinum mines on this geological structure have for many years produced more than 75% of the world’s total output. The advent of black economic empowerment, and the use-it-or-lose-it approach to minerals rights — as envisaged in the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act of 2002 — led to a shift in the sector, and the growth and rise of smaller platinum companies, including intense interest from foreign investors and operators alike.1
Image source:
“Platinum Group Metals.” n.d. Accessed March 28, 2022.
1. “Platinum - Minerals Council South Africa.” n.d. Accessed March 20, 2022.
1. “Platinum - Minerals Council South Africa.” n.d. Accessed March 20, 2022.