Game Farms
5. Dinokeng Game Farm, Hammanskraal
Promote the recreational hunting of wildlife within clearly demarcated and controlled areas of land, in order to help bolster the dwindling wildlife population - that was both one of the goals, and one of the achieved objectives, of game farming in South Africa. Although hunting is legal is many parts of Africa, illegal poaching of endangered wildlife, either for trophy hunting, or the killing of wildlife for the purposes of preserving their heads as memorabilia, or wildlife trafficking, was and continues to be a persistent issue for conservationists and the government. To that end, reserves were established to facilitate controlled and legal trophy hunting and meat harvesting for the production of the traditionally indigenous biltong snack. Endangered wildlife populations, such as the southern white rhino, were brought back from the brink of extinction. South Africa gets tourism revenue, wildlife gets protection, and those wealthy tourists get their animal heads and meat snacks - so what’s the catch?