Case Study 3: PMG
Rustenburg is world’s largest source of platinum metals. The landscape that is shaped on top of the Merensky reef is dispersed with tailings that pollute the air with particles. Due to the specific topography, which forms a bowl, the dust accumulates above the area. Leaching from the tailing further pollutes the area. The Anglo and the Kroondal platinum mines are both near the HEX river that is polluted with heavy metals and sulphur which is taken by streams from the dams to the river. The sulphur smells and unhealthy water lead to a protest in 2012. 74 of the residents and miners from the Marikana village were killed in the Marikana massacre.
From the north of Rustenburg area to the South, the section shows the locations of urban area, Anglo platinum mine, Kroondal mine, and Farmland, with height gradually goes up. The shafts go deep into the ground to reach the Marensky reef and UG2 reef. Water pollution also goes down into the ground, transports on the surface water to the farmland, and falls on the ground by acid rain. In 2020, Kroondal platinum mine started a proposal to extend and strengthen the mining area. Topsoil will be replaced in a stockpile and then move to the outer flat slopes of co-disposal faculties before closure. Vegetation will be plant after topsoiling and can strengthen the borders