Infrastructure Density
The township of Alexandra was formed through multiple developing phases which are designated in its urban fabric. The original, old part of ALexandra follows an orthogonal system of plotting in which the dwellings follow their own organic system. In these plots the phenomena of backyarding boomed as the population was drastically increased and thus the need for extra housing became essential. The municipality since the beginning of Alexandra’s formation provided the necessarily infrastructure services ⏤ water, electricity, sanitation. With the rising of the phenomena and the population the existing infrastructure accepted a big pressure. Illegal extensions and connections to the system in order of service the new settlements created maintenance and capacity problems. As a result there were plenty of development proposals and additions to the infrastructure which temporarily resolved the problems. By looking at one of the main roads located close to the center of the area, it is visible that between 2013 and 2022 the electricity system got upgrades with extra poles, pillars and electrical transformers. The density of the area remains a problem as backyarding still evolves regardless of the actions of extending the urban fabric and relocating part of the population.