Recreational Program

Alrode, Johannesburg

Two plazas on its ends and one in the center, structure the longitudinal park as an urban response to the existent nodal points created by the taxis, vital mean of transport for the connectivity of the town. Areas for food vendors, informal commerce and restaurants are implemented along the park to supply food service for the workers at the factories. Job seeking offices and workshops tackle the need for jobs in the area. The park also includes sportive areas, resting spaces and ludic landscapes connected to the treatment and utilitarian use of the park.


Sanne van den Breemer
Filip Geerts
Ilmar Hurkxkens

Director of Studies

Salomon Frausto


Nigel Alarcon(MX), Pooja Bhave(IN), Mariano Cuofano(IT), Fabiola Cruz(PE), Alonso Díaz(MX), Xiaoyu Ding(CN), Ines Garcia‑Lezana(ES), Sandra Garcia(ES), Martino Greco(IT), Sebastian Hitchcock(ZA), Alejandra Huesca(MX), Yesah Hwangbo(KR), Takuma Johnson(US), Yi-Ni Lin(TW), Paola Tovar(MX), Cristhy Mattos(BR), Preradon Pimpakan(TH), Adi Samet(IL), Raymond Tang(US), Kulaporn Temudom(TH), Danai Tsigkanou(GR), Jesse Verdoes(NL), Rongting Xiao(CN)