Industrial Character

Alrode, Johannesburg

The Stormwater Park has a width of 57m and a length of 1,7km. Located perpendicularly to blocks of manufacturing industries, it offers the workers and the people of the town a place to rest and enjoy while maintaining a coherence with its industrial context by the use of materials, such as steel and sand. Beneath overhead line conductors, low-height species and the water treatment plant is conceived, whilst on the external sides of the park, a leisure program is proposed. The monumentality of the electric towers and water treatment infrastructure, set the scale of the park while defining stages and different areas.


Sanne van den Breemer
Filip Geerts
Ilmar Hurkxkens

Director of Studies

Salomon Frausto


Nigel Alarcon(MX), Pooja Bhave(IN), Mariano Cuofano(IT), Fabiola Cruz(PE), Alonso Díaz(MX), Xiaoyu Ding(CN), Ines Garcia‑Lezana(ES), Sandra Garcia(ES), Martino Greco(IT), Sebastian Hitchcock(ZA), Alejandra Huesca(MX), Yesah Hwangbo(KR), Takuma Johnson(US), Yi-Ni Lin(TW), Paola Tovar(MX), Cristhy Mattos(BR), Preradon Pimpakan(TH), Adi Samet(IL), Raymond Tang(US), Kulaporn Temudom(TH), Danai Tsigkanou(GR), Jesse Verdoes(NL), Rongting Xiao(CN)