Sediment Safari
Olifants Rivers, Kruger National Park
The climate of the site is dry savanna type, with annual rainfall between 400 and 500 mm/a, potential evapotranspiration between 1,600 and 2,600 mm/a. In general, rainfall events occur in a short period of time through thunderstorms between October/November and March/April. Due to the erosion of sediment caused by the alternating climatic characteristics of long-term drought and flood periods, resulting in river shrinkage caused by river sediment stagnation.There is also serious concern about groundwater contamination caused by prolonged dry seasons. As groundwater contributes to basal flow to Rivers in the dry season, contamination of groundwater stores can have major longer-term impact on the water quality of both the Selati and Olifants Rivers, endangering wildlife health and even triggering the death of large numbers of fish and elephants.The purpose of this design is to form an ecological circulation system to maintain surface water retention.