Project Global: Ground
This exploration of our current day metropolitan condition as a system of systems deals with the crust of the Earth as a primary carrying capacitor of human activities, from the extraction of resources deep within the ground, to agricultural operations that barely scratch the surface.
Part 1: Lexicon
Part 2: Atlas
Part 3: Architectural Projects
Part 3: Architectural Projects index
︎ By means of introduction...
︎ Parliament of Things
︎ Cemetery 36
︎ Institute of Mining Safety
︎ Post Thinkbelt
︎ Extrapolated Realities ︎ Co-Op Backyarding
︎ Informal Urban Farmers Market
︎ The Eviction Economy
︎ ASHES Base
︎ Symbiotic Infrastructure
︎ Stormwater Parks
︎ Agri-Course
︎ Dead & Alive
︎ Remediated Lands
︎ Anti-dust Landscape
︎ Soil & Green
︎ Rebound Landscape
︎ Nature’s Lung
︎ New Forms of Settlements
︎ Trickle-down Water Works
︎ Recycling Center
︎ Growing Roots
︎ Extraction Reaction
︎ Tailing Urbanism
︎ Lavoisier’s Law
︎ A New Energy Landscape
︎ Cake Town

Sanne van den Breemer
Filip Geerts
Ilmar Hurkxkens