Concrete (“béton” in French) is a composite material composed of fine and coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement (cement paste) that hardens (cures) over time.
Concrete (“béton” in French) is a composite material composed of fine and coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement (cement paste) that hardens (cures) over time.

“Chisan-chissho” is a japanese expression that literally means “local production, local consumption”, as it advocates particular local dynamics in relation to power, and therefore distribution and consumption on the smaller scale.
“Chisan-chissho” is a japanese expression that literally means “local production, local consumption”, as it advocates particular local dynamics in relation to power, and therefore distribution and consumption on the smaller scale.

The “pushing the red button” gesture has a performative meaning, as it causes the irremediability of its consequences. The performance initially takes place in the control room, where from a switchboard panel the operator manages parameter, such as the reactive power, active power, synchronism, current and tension, related to the dam performances.
The “pushing the red button” gesture has a performative meaning, as it causes the irremediability of its consequences. The performance initially takes place in the control room, where from a switchboard panel the operator manages parameter, such as the reactive power, active power, synchronism, current and tension, related to the dam performances.

It is the act of removing a dam from a river, of removing an obstruction, physically or figuratively. Dam removal is the process of demolishing a dam, leaving a river to flow freely. It is undertaken for a variety of reasons that include environmental rehabilitation, structural weakness and maintenance expense. The Arase Dam is the first case of dam removal in Japan.
It is the act of removing a dam from a river, of removing an obstruction, physically or figuratively. Dam removal is the process of demolishing a dam, leaving a river to flow freely. It is undertaken for a variety of reasons that include environmental rehabilitation, structural weakness and maintenance expense. The Arase Dam is the first case of dam removal in Japan.
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