Johan Bosch and co.
For some segments of South African society, particularly white members, the decay of urban centers represents all the dangers which they associated with the transition to a multi-racial, democratic period causing many to have sought refuge in farremoved gated communities of the Northern suburbs . In contrast, housing providers’ proximity to and engagement with the inner-city leads them to adopt more pragmatic responses to its current forms of urbanity. As one (white) housing developer complains, “Everyone told me I was nuts [to invest in the inner-city]; most white people are scared of Hillbrow, where there are 500 black people; it’s just prejudice”.
Whilst Johannesburg has found recent success towards its goal of urban regeneration the Red Ants have partnered with South African Police Services and Department of Justice in combating the illegal hijacking and occupation of buildings in metros and city centers. In the Johannesburg CBD, their operations have yield “positive” results. Each major eviction has coincided with the commencement of prosecutions of slum lords as the government battles to bring these syndicates to book.