Master Diagram Site Plan

The project aims to propose after the retirement of these power plants, how can this industry landscapes benefit within the township by transportation network such as conveyor belt, road, and rail system. The belt will construct a big campus that supply students ( ex.the pre-coal mining workers or the residents nearby.) to develop their own learning pattern by the exsited transportation network such as motorway, railway and most importantly-conveyor belt.
        Three transfer areas-Phola, Ogies and Kendal-which are all located in the intersection of different transportation. They own different types of study infrastructures such as laboratory, workshop and seminars etc. to offer students a variety of study experince.


Sanne van den Breemer
Filip Geerts
Ilmar Hurkxkens

Director of Studies

Salomon Frausto


Nigel Alarcon(MX), Pooja Bhave(IN), Mariano Cuofano(IT), Fabiola Cruz(PE), Alonso Díaz(MX), Xiaoyu Ding(CN), Ines Garcia‑Lezana(ES), Sandra Garcia(ES), Martino Greco(IT), Sebastian Hitchcock(ZA), Alejandra Huesca(MX), Yesah Hwangbo(KR), Takuma Johnson(US), Yi-Ni Lin(TW), Paola Tovar(MX), Cristhy Mattos(BR), Preradon Pimpakan(TH), Adi Samet(IL), Raymond Tang(US), Kulaporn Temudom(TH), Danai Tsigkanou(GR), Jesse Verdoes(NL), Rongting Xiao(CN)