
Soil Condition and Green Cover

The development of green cover of the cemeteries is more pronounced in the northern part where the more affluent neighborhoods begin planting them first turning them into parks Additionally, mining activities have heavily influenced the geology and soil conditions of Johannesburg, affecting the survival and planting of different species. The taxonomy maps the proximity of the cemeteries to quarries, wetlands, tailings and water treatment facilities within the active and passive cemeteries to create a catalog of species that can survive in different conditions. The organic carbon content within the soil is analyzed based on their proximity to various land uses.


Sanne van den Breemer
Filip Geerts
Ilmar Hurkxkens

Director of Studies

Salomon Frausto


Nigel Alarcon(MX), Pooja Bhave(IN), Mariano Cuofano(IT), Fabiola Cruz(PE), Alonso Díaz(MX), Xiaoyu Ding(CN), Ines Garcia‑Lezana(ES), Sandra Garcia(ES), Martino Greco(IT), Sebastian Hitchcock(ZA), Alejandra Huesca(MX), Yesah Hwangbo(KR), Takuma Johnson(US), Yi-Ni Lin(TW), Paola Tovar(MX), Cristhy Mattos(BR), Preradon Pimpakan(TH), Adi Samet(IL), Raymond Tang(US), Kulaporn Temudom(TH), Danai Tsigkanou(GR), Jesse Verdoes(NL), Rongting Xiao(CN)