Reusing Postal Tunnels

Johannesburg CBD

Cemetery 36 will stretch 2km through the center of Johannesburg CDB. For this, it will reuse the abandoned Postal Tunnels that connected Park station, Jeppe postal office and Ghandi Square. These tunnels, created in 1932 and abandoned in the 1950s, where redisovered in 2018 and the city of Johannesburg is looking to redevelop them as publicly accesible space. Cemetery 36 extends on these postal tunnels creating multiple new entraces underground as well as establishing smaller buildings at the extremes that will strengthen the connection to the surface and the city.


Sanne van den Breemer
Filip Geerts
Ilmar Hurkxkens

Director of Studies

Salomon Frausto


Nigel Alarcon(MX), Pooja Bhave(IN), Mariano Cuofano(IT), Fabiola Cruz(PE), Alonso Díaz(MX), Xiaoyu Ding(CN), Ines Garcia‑Lezana(ES), Sandra Garcia(ES), Martino Greco(IT), Sebastian Hitchcock(ZA), Alejandra Huesca(MX), Yesah Hwangbo(KR), Takuma Johnson(US), Yi-Ni Lin(TW), Paola Tovar(MX), Cristhy Mattos(BR), Preradon Pimpakan(TH), Adi Samet(IL), Raymond Tang(US), Kulaporn Temudom(TH), Danai Tsigkanou(GR), Jesse Verdoes(NL), Rongting Xiao(CN)