AC Japan
Institution, Advertising, Global, Culture, Economy, Lifestyle, Commercial, Illustration
The French Publicis Groupe S.A. and Japanese Dentsu Inc. (株式会社電通 Kabushiki-gaisha Dentsu) are among the biggest multinational advertising corporations. Their market is divided in four main categories: National advertisement market (media projects), advertisement-related projects (marketing services), new market (sport events advertisement) and foreign market (all three categories internationally). These corporations own several groups that offer a wide range of media services: mobile and interactive online communication, television, magazines, newspapers, cinema, radio, and outdoor advertising.
Whereas the private sector occupies a large sector, they coexist with certain non-commercial entities like political parties, religious institutions and non-profit organizations who operate independently and aim to address social or political issues. The Advertising Council Japan [1] is a public interest association that seeks to educate people by distributing public service advertising. It was founded in 1971 by Suntory Ltd.’s president Keizo Saji as Kansai Advertising Council (AC) in Osaka, one year after Expo ‘70, when Japan was experiencing its economic boom. Funded through membership fees paid by corporate members (it does not receive public funding), AC Japan addressed “environmental pollution, deterioration of public manners, the weakening of human relationships”, among other issues. Saji attempted to raise public awareness by approaching private companies for their sponsorship for advertisement designed to make a social contribution.
The joint campaign of Water Man was designed and created by AC Japan in collaboration with The Ad Council from USA [2] . The campaign, which used computer-aid graphic design, conveys that people get weak when water is polluted: “The human body is 70% water. Respect and protect this essence of life. The bodies of water we pollute will someday be our own”. Public service advertisement is a powerful tool to raise awareness and fight climate change, ageing societies, natural disasters, etc.
1. Advertising Council Japan. https://www.ad-c.or.jp/
2. PSA Wins: Japan Ad Council and Ad Council Water Drinking Collaboration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z8aDED_vf0
Institution, Advertising, Global, Culture, Economy, Lifestyle, Commercial, Illustration
The French Publicis Groupe S.A. and Japanese Dentsu Inc. (株式会社電通 Kabushiki-gaisha Dentsu) are among the biggest multinational advertising corporations. Their market is divided in four main categories: National advertisement market (media projects), advertisement-related projects (marketing services), new market (sport events advertisement) and foreign market (all three categories internationally). These corporations own several groups that offer a wide range of media services: mobile and interactive online communication, television, magazines, newspapers, cinema, radio, and outdoor advertising.
Whereas the private sector occupies a large sector, they coexist with certain non-commercial entities like political parties, religious institutions and non-profit organizations who operate independently and aim to address social or political issues. The Advertising Council Japan [1] is a public interest association that seeks to educate people by distributing public service advertising. It was founded in 1971 by Suntory Ltd.’s president Keizo Saji as Kansai Advertising Council (AC) in Osaka, one year after Expo ‘70, when Japan was experiencing its economic boom. Funded through membership fees paid by corporate members (it does not receive public funding), AC Japan addressed “environmental pollution, deterioration of public manners, the weakening of human relationships”, among other issues. Saji attempted to raise public awareness by approaching private companies for their sponsorship for advertisement designed to make a social contribution.
The joint campaign of Water Man was designed and created by AC Japan in collaboration with The Ad Council from USA [2] . The campaign, which used computer-aid graphic design, conveys that people get weak when water is polluted: “The human body is 70% water. Respect and protect this essence of life. The bodies of water we pollute will someday be our own”. Public service advertisement is a powerful tool to raise awareness and fight climate change, ageing societies, natural disasters, etc.
1. Advertising Council Japan. https://www.ad-c.or.jp/
2. PSA Wins: Japan Ad Council and Ad Council Water Drinking Collaboration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z8aDED_vf0