Concrete Object, Fuel, Hydrogen, Resources, Consumption, Object, Transportation, Infrastructure, Patent Drawing
Gas stations and petrol pumps form the nodal points where the fuel after completing its long journey finally reaches the consumption zone. The physical act of filling the vehicle is quite determinant in its realization and is the first visible signs of fuel in a metropolis.
Shinjuku petrol pump is a double-decker station that lies on the junction that caters to both levels of an overlapping highway.1 It seems of be an interesting analogy of how the methods adopted for fuel consumptions are transformed and changed to the growing needs. Needs that could be quite logistic, like in this case. Or cause-based like the nozzle design for the diesel and petrol filling at the pump stations. Which has constantly seen innovation and design attempts to curtail fuel emissions, backflows, calculative efficiency for measurement, etc.
The idea of fuel itself sees this change and adaptability. Mileage in this term applies to both the mode and the method. Mode: the exhaustibility and the range of fossil dependent transport network. How long it will last, its optimum utilization and its expiry date. And Method: The mileage of the fuel itself. Whether it is gas fuelled, petrol-diesel, hydrogen or battery operated. Which is costlier to drive? Which is costlier to implement?
Japan recently announced its motive to be the first hydrogen society with 160 hydrogen stations and 40,000 FCVS by March 2021. The new technology however comes with its own weights (literally) that may affect its usage (and engine). Hydrogen cells prove to be more efficient than battery operated vehicles in terms of power, engine and mileage. Production of hydrogen though is either through steam methane reforming or electrolysis that requires an electricity source to produce the fuel. Although it is extremely light on liquification and can be stored easily, its transportation adds to the fuel cost. New methods can only be adopted looking at the larger picture which implies complete reformation of the fuel system for the hope of a more sustainable globe.
1. Made in Tokyo, Momoyo Kaijima, Juno Kuroda, Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, Takaaki Ida Publications, 2001.
Visit ephemera: 44, 45, & 46
Concrete Object, Fuel, Hydrogen, Resources, Consumption, Object, Transportation, Infrastructure, Patent Drawing
Gas stations and petrol pumps form the nodal points where the fuel after completing its long journey finally reaches the consumption zone. The physical act of filling the vehicle is quite determinant in its realization and is the first visible signs of fuel in a metropolis.
Shinjuku petrol pump is a double-decker station that lies on the junction that caters to both levels of an overlapping highway.1 It seems of be an interesting analogy of how the methods adopted for fuel consumptions are transformed and changed to the growing needs. Needs that could be quite logistic, like in this case. Or cause-based like the nozzle design for the diesel and petrol filling at the pump stations. Which has constantly seen innovation and design attempts to curtail fuel emissions, backflows, calculative efficiency for measurement, etc.
The idea of fuel itself sees this change and adaptability. Mileage in this term applies to both the mode and the method. Mode: the exhaustibility and the range of fossil dependent transport network. How long it will last, its optimum utilization and its expiry date. And Method: The mileage of the fuel itself. Whether it is gas fuelled, petrol-diesel, hydrogen or battery operated. Which is costlier to drive? Which is costlier to implement?
Japan recently announced its motive to be the first hydrogen society with 160 hydrogen stations and 40,000 FCVS by March 2021. The new technology however comes with its own weights (literally) that may affect its usage (and engine). Hydrogen cells prove to be more efficient than battery operated vehicles in terms of power, engine and mileage. Production of hydrogen though is either through steam methane reforming or electrolysis that requires an electricity source to produce the fuel. Although it is extremely light on liquification and can be stored easily, its transportation adds to the fuel cost. New methods can only be adopted looking at the larger picture which implies complete reformation of the fuel system for the hope of a more sustainable globe.
1. Made in Tokyo, Momoyo Kaijima, Juno Kuroda, Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, Takaaki Ida Publications, 2001.
Visit ephemera: 44, 45, & 46